The Patalpani waterfall is located in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh , India . The waterfall is approximately 300 feet high. The area around Patalpani is a popular picnic and trekking spot. The water flow is highest immediately after the rainy season (usually after July). It goes almost dry in the summer season, and the stream is reduced to a trickle. Deaths in 2011 During monsoon season (July-September), the area is prone to flash floods . On 17 July 2011, heavy rains occurred in the catchment area of the upstream. Over 50 visitors, many of them on a picnic, were sitting near the waterfall at that time. The local villagers warned them about the risk, and asked them to move away from water. Most of the visitors managed to get to safety, but five people did not move away in time. When the water flow started rising, they started to move. However, as they were crossing the stream, they were washed away in a ...